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Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, January 12, 2009

I know I know it's all in the name of progress but i was still shocked out of my shoes when i heard and then saw with my own eyes that my grandpas dees ranch is no longer there as you can see in the pics all that is left is rubble, even in the one pic you can see the old tree we used to play in and right next to it is the pile of cement that is all thats left of the house and over where the garage stood is nuthing and there is a trackhoe and dump truck where the other grage stood the chicken coop is gone, there were alot of horses and calves birthed in that building. although the buildings are no longer there the memories still are as vivid as the day we made them, i'm gonna miss the old ranch but i guess progress was going to rear its ugly head even if we didnt want it too. my grandparents would probably be turning in their graves if they knew what it looked like now, OWELL bring on the subdivisions.


waspettes at 2009 relay for life

Heber Demolition Derby 2008

Well yesterday was the demolition derby, doug had to work the derby as did I in the concession i had a blast and i love the people i work with there they are hoot to work with. Justin had three vehicles he took to the derby this yr one was a green suburban and the other two were a yellow car and a black car his cousin travis drove the yellow one in hebers derby last night, that poor car has been through three or 4 derbys and is finally toast it will not make another one. he drove the suburban in the truck derby and was knocked out when he was hit he says when he came to, his glasses were on the floor good thing i couldnt see it from the concessions or i would have killed someone. probably him for even driving in the derby, so anyway he is still gonna take the black car to another derby and probably the suburban too but we'll see he hasnt assessed the damage. he loves to crash but as his mother i dont like it so i cant watch.

Justins 3 derby cars

New Mexico Vacation

Well we're back from New Mexico we had such a blast and it was sooo good to get away from here, we saw so much scenery on the way there and back i took a few pics and added a slideshow for your pleasure. the rodeo was wonderful one of our local girls from Heber roped her first breakaway calf at a really fast time of 2.508 so far she is in first place all around but still has one more calf to rope to make it to the finals i'm soo excited for her. now of to work for both me and doug i woll be working concessions all week and he will of course be running the set up for the fair days rodeos and the rest of the stuff that goes along with it. keep checking back here i will try to update once a week or so.

Vacation To New Mexico